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Celebrity: Cracking the cheat codes of social media fame

By Aleva

Watching Netflix's new hit K-drama 'Celebrity' felt like enrolling myself in a crash course on popularity through social media. Only to find out that the background music isn't always upbeat, the filters not enough to conceal, and rising to the top would mean faltering with every step.

Prior to its release, the trailers and promotional materials for the series seemed innocent and pure. It promised the viewers a closer look into the life of an influential person in this modern age.

There was glitz and definitely a lot of glamour, but I did not foresee the show's potential to thrill the audience. 'Celebrity' tells the story of a young woman born to a rich family, up until her family's wealth dissipated alongwith her father's death. From this point, she has learned to make ends meet and realize the value of money -a stark contrast to how she used to be.

In this highly-addicting series, viewers will get a taste of the shiny parts and dark crevices of gaining popularity in the 20th century. And having binge-watched the show in one sitting, one thing is for sure. I became highly aware of my digital life. And for the most part, wanting to delete all my social media presence.

'Celebrity' is such an eye-opener show during a time when we are so consumed with technology. So consumed with its 'unlimited potential'. Its unlimited potential to transform a being into something else with a single click. Its unlimited potential to make us feel wanted. Its unlimited potential to make one's dreams come true. And most especially, its unlimited potential to do the exact opposite.

To easily trample what was carefully built, to expose what you thought was hidden, and to switch from being 'someone' to 'no one' in a single night. 'Celebrity' topped the charts and raked ratings soon after it was released on Netflix. While this commentary may sound dark and gloomy, it is also an awesome piece of film about trust, relationships, and society.

If I were to compare this to another Korean drama out there, I would say 'Celebrity' can give you the grit from 'Itaewon Class', the mind games in 'My Name', and the frightening consequences of technology in 'Unlocked'. Enjoy watching ;)

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